Wednesday, November 24, 2010

WOOHOO! It's finally here! Hannah and Emma (and 20 of their closest friends) dared the midnight showing, Joe and I waited for the matinee $5 movie.
I've read all the books, loved this book (#7). The movie pretty much followed the book, I wasn't disappointed. I've read some critical reviews from FOX NEWS, don't listen to that critic. Obviously he didn't get into the whole Harry Potter life like our family does.
The movie was intense, not too bad because I liked it. It did have one slightly off seen where Ron is being showed lies to make him not do something (can't tell... have to see), Harry and Hermoine are kissing, no clothes, nothing shows but we all know there nothing can tell it's also a dream-like state shot.
It's a fun movie, if you don't like snake scary scenes, take someone with you that's seen it so they can tell you when to close your eyes. I'll go if you need someone.
Would I let a pre-teen go? Have they read the books? Then yes. Anyone under 7-8? probably not, too scary. Would I see it again, maybe. Buy it? I'll buy the complete set when it's out.
Out of 10 pairs of Dumbledoor bifocals, I'd give it a 9...... 1 off for the racey scene that didn't need to be there.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Interesting topic, Matt Damon stars, Clint Eastwood directs, Steven Spielberg produces...sounds like a winner? Don't waste your money.

It took about 75 minutes for this movie to start coming together, for for that first 75 minutes, your watching 3 movies, one is in subtitles. When it finally comes together and ends, Joe's quote "Well there's 2 hours of my life I'll never get back." My quote was "Do you think she could invest in a brush?" The co-star's hair was a mess by hairstyle choice.

We were all quite disappointed, knowing what we know with the subject matter, it could have been explored more. The title says HEREAFTER, but really that wasn't the subject or plot of the movie. They didn't treat the hereafter with the reverence that it deserves.

One F-Bomb was dropped, no nudity but there was a scene where the woman was dressing and you saw underwear (it was very pretty and lacy!)

If you decide to go and waste your $$, take some Kleenex, there are some sad scenes, because the movie does talk about death.

Out of 5 Disani Water bottle caps, I would give it a 1. 4 off because Clint Eastwood should have consulted with someone who knows a little more about the HEREAFTER.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Despicable Me!

Despicable Me.....
Appropriate for ALL ages. No inappropriate scenes. Well, there was one nudity part. It was where the Minions were sitting on the copier, photographing without pants on.
But, you've probably seen that on the commercials already.
Mr. Gru (played by the Office guy, Steve Carell) a sinister evil man who wants to top all other sinister villians and steal the moon. To do this, he adopts 3 little girls to help him break into another villian's home to steal a shrink gun.
These 3 little girls are soooo adorable, they soon turn his heart into mush and they have him wrapped around their little fingers. And they quickly win over the love of the minions, and the pointy toothed dog, Kyle.
The main character is extremely funny, but also pay attention to the other characters, they are just as funny, and can hold their own.
I really want to find the book about the three kittens, if anyone has seen it. Very cute!
I can see many one liners coming out of this movie!!
One of the many funny lines... "It's SO fluffy!" and the Unicorn song.
Would I see it again, YES! Would I rent it, YES! Would I buy it, YES!
Out of 10 Burger King Eclipse Cups, I would give this movie an 11.
It was that good.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


ECLIPSE! My girls saw it at the midnight showing. I just saw it this afternoon.
Part three in the 4 part book series. This is the book/movie where I developed the distaste for Bella, the female star in the books. She leads on the vampire and the werewolf, she wants both to love her, but yet is torn. What drama. Yawn.

When I saw it, honestly I was embarrassed for Emma who saw it with her friends. LOTS of steamy kissing. No sex, Edward stops Bella before it goes too far. In fact, he uses the "V" word.... VIRTUE! It was good to hear the word in the right context in a movie, someone actually defending a girls virtue. But still, lots of kissing, making out scenes. I'm sure it made her uncomfortable, made me uncomfortable!

The jury is still out on if I liked it or not. It followed the book pretty well, good special effects. Hannah loved it, Emma didn't talk about it (I'm wondering if she paid attention or fell asleep). It had violence, killing vampires. The way you kill a vampire is to tear it's head off and burn the pieces.... that's violent. No blood from all the killing, because they are like stone, and rocks fly, but you still see beheadings. Joe said, "Cool" several times.

Would I see it again? Yes Would I rent it/buy it, definately. Would I let the 14 and under crowd see it? Maybe not. No swearing, maybe 2 times with the "D" word.
Best quote in the movie, "Doesn't he own a shirt?" Edward asking Bella if jacob owns a shirt because he's pretty much topless in the whole movie.... a little eye candy. :)
Out of 10 eyelash curlers.... I'd give it a 9.5

The Prince of Persia

This film was INTENSE! If you know me, then you will know I didn't like it. I don't like intense. It was way way intense.

It starred Jake Gillenahall (sp?) who played the hero, the street urchen who got adopted by the King of Persia because he liked the way little Jake handled himself fighting off the King's guards in the market place while protecting his little friend.

The story is a little hard to follow, listen and watch carefully. They couple extreme violence with humor, and it was hard to turn off the killing and turn to humor. I didn't get it. Lots and lots of killing. Lots of sword fights, lots of special effects. Maybe too many special effects to make it so unreal, so unbelievable, so desensitizing.

All throughout the movie, I couldn't get past that everyone had an English accent, and yet this was in Persia, aka Iraq, Iran, MIddle East.

Would I see it again, no. Would I rent it for free, no. Would I let anyone under the age of 21 see it? No. Way too violent, too much killing. No sex, maybe a kiss (can't remember), Can't remember any bad language... it was all the sword fights and SNAKES. Ugh.

Out of 10 half-empty water bottles, I would give it a 2. One for the scenery, and one for the story.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Alice in Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland was a pretty good movie. I was surprised. Too intense for little ones, though.
Alice finds herself returning to Wonderland after being gone for 13 years. She doesn't remember her first trip there, but the other characters remember her.
Johnny Depp does a GREAT job in playing the role of the Mad Hatter. The director, Tim Burton really puts a twist on the story in his own twisted sort of way. Don't think he follows the same Disney story line as Hannah did, she couldn't keep the story straight when she saw it the first time. Crispen something plays the Queen of Hearts' knight. You'll know him when you look closely... he's George McFly! Also, listen to the caterpillar.... you'll know his voice if you're a Harry Potter fan!
No language, no inappropriate scenes, just some violence and wars, and gross scenes like Alice walking on heads (the be-headed heads from the Red Queen) and the eye-ball that gets plucked out from some poor creature.
Over-all, pretty good movie. Would I see it again, as a rental for $1. Buy it? No, I'd rather rent it.
Out of 5 Cherry Blossom body lotions... I'd give it a 4 (1 off for the eye-ball plucking.... GROSS!)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief

If you are in to Greek Mythology and lots of action, you'll like this movie.

We were a few minutes late, fortunately we had someone with us who read all of the books who explained to us what we missed. Don't be late.

Percy is a Demi-God, meaning he is the son of
Poseidon and a mortal mom. Percy has been accused of stealing Zues's lightening, but didn't really. He and his friends go out into the world trying to find the underworld where Hades has imprisoned Percy's mom. Very appropriate, the underworld's entrance is in Hollywood, CA. Emma got a chuckle out of that.

If you know your mythology, you'll enjoy the movie more. I was stuck next to someone who didn't know a whole lot about it and was explaining alot.

Lots of action, monsters, beheadings, sword fighting... I thought the movie is perfect for a teenage boy. Not for the under 12 crowd, though. It was way too intense for me in some parts. Maybe one or two bad words, nothing too too bad. A couple of scenes of sexual "promiscuity talk", you didn't have to imagine too hard.

Out of 5 Medusa snake heads, I would give it a 4.5. I'd rent it at Red Box for a $1.

Monday, February 1, 2010


MJ's Final Concert!
Saw this in the theater when it came out, just rented it this weekend. Bought the CD of the music that same night we saw it in the theater.
All I can say is WOW. This was a talented/messed up human being. If you can get passed all the crotch grabbing then you'll enjoy the dancing. I just think he was insecure.
The dancing was incredible, those dancers were phenomenal. My only though was I sure hope they get paid in full and get residuals from this DVD. They totally deserve every penny and Joe Jackson shouldn't get his hands on any part of it.

The producer... can't remember his name.... coddles MJ so much, it's nauseating. MJ really was a hands on type singer that had a vision of how he wanted this concert. The producer was more like a puppet or yes-man.

During this movie, everyone looks for any sign of his faultering, or sign of weakness, something that would give a clue as to if he were unhealthy for this concert. Didn't see anything at all. He looked good to me! Way WAY too young to have died.

Out of 5 OOO-OO's, I'll give it a 4 (1 off for MJ not being able to keep his hands off his zipper-area)

Extrodinary Measures

This is based off of a true story....
Harrison Ford produced this film and starred in it. I'll be honest, I did NOT like his character until the VERY VERY end of this movie. Brandon Frasier, however, I fell in love with his character right away. Here's why: He truly loved and adored his children and wife. How many times does Hollywood portray this? Not too many. This movie showed a husband and wife problem solving together, supporting each other thru difficult times, really leaning on each other, rather than them going off looking for support from greener pastures. This little family really was struggling with medical bills, employment, life and death situations and they held together.

Harrison Ford played a research doctor. His life consisted of living/working by himself, concerned only about himself, consumed about finding an enzyme that would metabolize the the human body to help patients with a form of MD, Pompe Disease. He's just so close, but lacks funding. In walks this father driven to save his 2 children that are stricken with this dreadful disease with an Ivy League business degree to raise the money.

That's about all I'll tell you.... The ending is remarkable. The actors that play the children have personality plus! You can't help but fall in love with them. Harrison Ford did.

If you like medical type movies, you'll love this one. There is no blood or guts though. There is one scene where the parents finally get a moment alone and the home health nurse walks in, but it's not bad (clothes are ON). Then, there's the language.... they use the word that is synonymous to fecal matter freely.

Would I rent it, No. I don't want that language in my home. Would I watch a cleaned up version on TV? OH yes! Would I want my kids to see it, Hannah yes (she likes medical things), Emma I don't know.

Out of 5 Nemo Fish hanging from my mirror, I would give it a 4 (one off for language)

Blind Side

BLIND SIDE with Sandra Bullock.
Joe saw this, it's a football movie. He likes sports movies. He LOVED this movie.
I"m not sure what's in the movie, if there was bad language, sex, violence. He would see it again, I'm sure we'll rent it when it comes out.