Sunday, January 18, 2009

On the laugh-o-meter, this movie gets a 10. This was a really funny movie. Maybe because alot of what we saw reminded us of Joe.

It has some watered down swearing, meaning the "H" and "A" word. No sexual type scenes, no blood and gore scenes. Lots of chase scenes on segways and scooters and skateboards. Lots of surprises though and one drinking-bar scene. It was intense at times, but I could handle it. I don't like intense.

As we left the theater, Joe made the comment that he has a new appreciation for Mall Cops and that he wants a segway now.

Would I let a 12 year old or under see it.... probably. The kids (ages 15-19) that we took laughed thru the whole thing, including Joe and I.

Out of 5 staplers, I would give it a 4. And we are probably going to buy this one.

Friday, January 2, 2009


OK.... we just rented this and I can't wait to tell you it's boring. Save your $1 from renting it and go buy an ice cream cone at Mcdonald's instead.

Pretty much it's the same story line at War Games, with Matthew Broderick back in the late 1970's movie. A computer takes over (this computer is much more sophisitated though, it uses liquid nitrogen to make it live) and decides that humans aren't needed to make decisions.

When it ended, Joe and I looked at each other and said, "Well, that's 2 hours of our lives we'll never get back."

It has strong language and violence. Not recommended for anyone under 99.

Out of 5 chocolate covered peanuts, we give it a 1 (and the 1 is for
Shia LaBeouf being the main actor)