Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Prince of Persia

This film was INTENSE! If you know me, then you will know I didn't like it. I don't like intense. It was way way intense.

It starred Jake Gillenahall (sp?) who played the hero, the street urchen who got adopted by the King of Persia because he liked the way little Jake handled himself fighting off the King's guards in the market place while protecting his little friend.

The story is a little hard to follow, listen and watch carefully. They couple extreme violence with humor, and it was hard to turn off the killing and turn to humor. I didn't get it. Lots and lots of killing. Lots of sword fights, lots of special effects. Maybe too many special effects to make it so unreal, so unbelievable, so desensitizing.

All throughout the movie, I couldn't get past that everyone had an English accent, and yet this was in Persia, aka Iraq, Iran, MIddle East.

Would I see it again, no. Would I rent it for free, no. Would I let anyone under the age of 21 see it? No. Way too violent, too much killing. No sex, maybe a kiss (can't remember), Can't remember any bad language... it was all the sword fights and SNAKES. Ugh.

Out of 10 half-empty water bottles, I would give it a 2. One for the scenery, and one for the story.

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