Wednesday, June 30, 2010


ECLIPSE! My girls saw it at the midnight showing. I just saw it this afternoon.
Part three in the 4 part book series. This is the book/movie where I developed the distaste for Bella, the female star in the books. She leads on the vampire and the werewolf, she wants both to love her, but yet is torn. What drama. Yawn.

When I saw it, honestly I was embarrassed for Emma who saw it with her friends. LOTS of steamy kissing. No sex, Edward stops Bella before it goes too far. In fact, he uses the "V" word.... VIRTUE! It was good to hear the word in the right context in a movie, someone actually defending a girls virtue. But still, lots of kissing, making out scenes. I'm sure it made her uncomfortable, made me uncomfortable!

The jury is still out on if I liked it or not. It followed the book pretty well, good special effects. Hannah loved it, Emma didn't talk about it (I'm wondering if she paid attention or fell asleep). It had violence, killing vampires. The way you kill a vampire is to tear it's head off and burn the pieces.... that's violent. No blood from all the killing, because they are like stone, and rocks fly, but you still see beheadings. Joe said, "Cool" several times.

Would I see it again? Yes Would I rent it/buy it, definately. Would I let the 14 and under crowd see it? Maybe not. No swearing, maybe 2 times with the "D" word.
Best quote in the movie, "Doesn't he own a shirt?" Edward asking Bella if jacob owns a shirt because he's pretty much topless in the whole movie.... a little eye candy. :)
Out of 10 eyelash curlers.... I'd give it a 9.5

1 comment:

Jen said...

I am like you and grew a distaste for Bella in this book. I actually put the book down a couple times because she was driving me crazy. I'm not sure I want to see this movie because of it. I may rent it and watch it on our Clearplay when it comes out. It would take out all the steamy kissing and violence.