Tuesday, August 19, 2008

2nd Hand Movie Reviews + one Book Review

The Traveling Pants part TWO
Hannah saw this one.... she saw the first, too. Her only comment was, "It's not as good as the first."
Go see the first.

Star Wars, The Clone Wars
My friend and her son saw it. Her comment was, "It was a good 11 year old movie."
So, if you have an eleven year old, go see it.

Breaking Dawn (Book)
If your into the Twilight series, you've probably read the book already.... or at least heard about it. You must already know that the Twilight movie will be November 21 instead of December 12 (thank you Harry Potter-that movie's been pushed back til next summer)

This book is the final of the series of four. Bella and Edward get married and live happily ever after. That just about sums it up. Lots of drama, lots of Oh My Gosh's, and wow's in between all those pages. I'm not a fan of Jacob, the selfish, self-centered werewolf who won't leave Bella alone. So the whole middle of the book where the story is thru Jacob's eyes, I could have done without.

This book does contain watered down sex, not too graphic (your imagination will do the rest), but on the good side, they are at least married. Would I let my 15 yr old read it? She's still on book one, Twilight. It'll take her a couple of years to catch up the way she's going.

Out of 5 Bags of Lay's Baked Chips, I give it a 4.5


Jen said...

DJ really wanted to read Breaking Dawn (he read the others last year), and since I haven't read it yet, I asked my sisters/brother-in-law about it. They said to have him skip like the first seven chapters (basically Bella's entire section). They summarized what happened for him so he didn't miss the story line but said they didn't recommend he read it. He was bummed, but understood and is enjoying where he is at now.

Our younger boys really want to see Clone Wars. Looks like one we will rent, though, through Red Box. I don't think I want to pay more than $1 for it. Sounds like I am right. Ü

Sarah said...

Towards the end of the book, there's more sex stuff.... that must be the "... and they lived happily ever after" ??

Jen said...

Oh Yikes! Should I not have him read that? They didn't say anything about the end... maybe I'll just have to skip to the end and see for myself. How far at the end - like the last chapter?

Sarah said...

Last chapter because Edward and Bella are coming to the end of thier drama stories. And they are in a state of bliss, sigh....

You better read it first. Lots of kissing, he may or may not understand everything. There's nothing lude or graphic, just alot of tender kisses that lead to long nights (?) and you just better be the judge. Emma's not ready for it.

The Dixon Family said...

Hmm. There were a few parts in Eclipse that made me a tad uncomfortable . . .I just started Breaking Dawn last night. Talk to me in about two days . . .

Sarah said...

Yea, Stephanie Meyers teeters on the seductive side, not really saying anything, but saying enough. Maybe that's why she's so popular with the LDS croud. Let me know what you think.... I'm so South Shore to go swimming... want to come?