Monday, July 2, 2007

If Molly can do this, then why can't I? I've never had a blog before, don't know how this will help my life and well-being.

I just now finished my last load of laundry, that made 8 loads for when I got got home from Utah. I didn't even have to run up two floors inbetween washing and drying. I've never appreciated a washer and dryer that stood side by side one another. It's the little things in life that I take for granted.

Hannah worked all day on getting her ducks in a row to start college. She even filled out scholarship forms! She's a driven woman now, trying to get everything ready to go to college. It great to see her so excited about leaving home.

1 comment:

molly said...

Why do you think I've lost weight???! Those stairs are a wonderful thing! Do you know how many times I've gone downstairs and forgotten the soap? Running up & down the stairs is nothing. Going to the laundry mat (little mexico here) and sitting in a sauna for 2 1/2 hours w/ men staring at you, then hauling in your 8 loads, carrying those all upstairs and spending $22 is worse. That $22 could of gone into you fund for a new washer! So I see running up & down a hidden blessing.

Welcome to the world of blogging. I have no idea what I'm doing.